Why fat pig? Because when our founders reached out to small organic farmers offering the same opportunity six years ago, nobody was willing to come to the table, out of fear over hemp’s regulation. We knew we could radically help farmers, but they did not want us to help. Bill then told a story to our founders about trying to help a pig farmer in Micronesia who did not want help. After a 6-month long process of doing all the pig farmers work, which was hunting and gathering pig food from the jungle by hand, he finally got the farmer’s trust and permission to change the feed for one pig. This pig was kept separate and near another pig from the same litter using the farmer’s original feed. Six months later the farmer’s pig was still under 75lbs, but Bill’s was over 250lbs. One day the farmer, comparing the two pigs, said “Wow, that’s a fat pig”. Now, finally, he was excited to have help. Our founders decided we also needed a very Fat Pig to prove to farmers the potential of CBD hemp. The Fat Pig Society was born.

Years of service

Holistic health, prosperity & wellness

Regenerative soil practices

Organic, whole plant, clean product

Mutual care and concern

Valuing and empowering farmers