FPS is offering up to 5,000 clones per farmer (enough for roughly two acres) for no upfront cost and no risk to farmers interested in testing out the crop.
The terms of the offer stem from our mutual aid philosophy, “just take what you need” and it’ll come back around. In other words, FPS is offering the value of crop insurance: if the crop doesn’t work out for whatever reason, you owe us nothing.
FPS is prepared to guarantee that any clones we are offering will not go “hot.” We are proud to report that we have ready-to-go 4 varieties that reliably grow until October without breaking 0.3% THC, and which produce a high percentage of CBD (we have tested it full term to be sure). This kind of guarantee is simply unheard of in the general marketplace.
Fat Pig Society would guarantee buy back of successful crop at 10x commodity value (market dependent come harvest 2020, but the goal based on 2019 is $100 per pound). We will process it for you and pay out as product is sold through retail.
Why two acres? We believe two acres is the right amount to get you earning that “Magic Number” of $100K income, yet small enough to fit into existing regenerative rotations and to spread the benefit to as many farmers as possible. Such high incomes will benefit each farmer while also providing capital that can be leveraged toward forming a cooperative extraction facility and marketing business that is ‘to-scale’ for the market, and owned and controlled by the farmers directly. This is modeled after corn farmers in the midwest, who leveraged their annual production and the gov’t ethanol fuel credits to raise enough money to build a $25M ethanol plant that they own and control through a co-op.
If you are an organic grain farmer with larger acreage, contact us and we may be able to help connect you with some Organic Hemp grain planting seed resources and buyers for the grain. Hemp grain and CBD cannot be grown on the same farm as grain would heavily seed the CBD plants.